So its no secret that I'm planning a big move within the next 2 weeks....I've been "moving" for about 2 months now, but Its taking me much longer than expected. You see, Im actually sorta flipping a house at the moment... my mothers old home where she grew up in with my Grandmother and Great Grandma needs to be rented out, and I need to be renting so... In the beginning mom's words were, "If we can all put at least 3 solid days of cleaning in, it should be ready."
Well my friends, 3 days turned into 3 months, but the time is almost near, I can smell the fresh paint in the autumn breeze! (ok, not really) but dad and I did finish painting yesterday (my room is a Behr mix entitledMineral...it looks like ice, a light grey base with tints of blue), which may have been the happiest moment in this whole process. So, now its on to what I've been looking forward to doing...the Interior Design. YES. So, as I journey through this process...the process of furniture thrifting coupled with multiple IKEA trips, researching the rules of feng shui, and cat proofing the pad for my little black cat Amani (we call her Monroe, cause shes such adiva)...
...I'll be keeping a photo diary. Yay. Stay Tuned.
Amani/Mani/Monroe: The ultimate Diva Cat, waiting for her new home to be ready...Clearly you cant look royalty in the eyes
Mineral by Behr: Click Here, and you may have to calibrate your monitor to see the true color... ugh, dont get me into color issues with computers...I get so aggrivated. Thats why I painted my walls this neutral-grey-ish-color. Its pretty crucial when doing any computer aided graphics projects in order to properly see the colors on your screen...