Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Idea Transition Day.

Happy Labor Day.  Hmmm, first year in a while that I haven't been gearing up for the West Indian Parade in BK.  Oh well.  Anyway, its odd that today is the day I realize a few things about my life in comparison to my work.  While there are many things that I do complete, there are even more things in my life that I've started, worked on, but have not finished.  This is hard to say.  Who likes to admit that they have glitches in anything?  Its not fun.  Either way, Its not like I don't finish anything I start... I finished school, I finish reading books, art projects, tasks at work etc.  
Its the intangible things I fail to complete. IDEAS.  My ideas are brain seems like a little "Idea workshop" that stays open on holidays and doesn't take vacation time. It produces a steady stream of ideas, which is good but there are so many hitting me at once; Its hard to pick the good ones...the ones that have a real chance of working, and running wit
h them.  So today, of all days, I'm making a vow to at least write everything down, 
no matter how crazy, weird, and/or intangible it may seem....and hopefully pick one or two to really put effort into making a definite reality. 

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