Monday, August 31, 2009


I began planting these little guys in a tiny 16 hole seedling tray about a week after my birthday which happens to be April 2oth.  Go figure...but no, these are actually LEGAL herbs. haha.  Anyway, I wanted them to be 100% organic and free of all of 'thatbadstuff,' so they're planted in Organic Miracle Grow Soil and fed by only the finest tap water the tri-state has to offer.  Who knew miracle grow could be 100% organic? ...hmmm, maybe I should research that.

The first two photos were taken after the first time I repotted them.  The second two were taken on 8/20/09 after the second repotting...lets just call them, 'Basil Takeover'. I've always wanted to grow an herb garden and am amazed every day at how something so large could come from something as small as a little seed...Anyway, if anyone wants fresh basil for cooking, I have three types and they are surely taking over day by day.  
I hope you enjoy, and join me for fresh chamomile tea in about two more months.... 

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